Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Learned the Hidden Curriculum

The reason and wisdom of those red- faced warriors inside and outside various Town Halls have taught me:
  1. Having a doctor, especially for mental health, is seriously overrated!
  2. Family members, especially the dying themselves, should stop whining for comfort care!
  3. Private is cool, and to spend your savings for private insurance is really, really cool.
  4. We are Not our brother's or sister's or child's keeper in "chrisjun" America.
  5. Deficits are suddenly very important (wars, occupations, and bailouts notwithstanding).
  6. Venting works for a few short minutes, while lower brain function lasts a good long time.
Some are too hotheaded to do anything but just vent, which has never worked for me and only enrages me more. So the town halls? Maybe we should drop them in favor of some much needed anger management sessions, and charge their insurer- I'm sure THEY'LL pick up the tab!

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